“We encourage you and all to learn and apply The UI-Code’s Map of Spiritual & Transformative Ascendance, combined with The Code’s Advanced Spiritual Compass. The Map effectively describes The Path to Unity & Oneness – from base existence, to your current level of development, to the attainment of your fullest spiritual potential – (UI-Level 1 to 900). The UI-Compass always points to The One Universal & Eternal Intelligence – (UI-Level 1000 – religiously related to as God). Using The Compass & The Map, you develop an increasing Humble Certainty about your knowledge of The Way. You are able to better discern between right & wrong, make wiser choices, and increase your inner & interactive harmony”.

» To continually learn, increasingly understand and effectively apply The UI-Code’s Map of Spiritual & Transformative Ascendance, see The Intelligence Spectrum – scale from 1 to 1000.