Insights & Messages

“As an aspect of our correction and enhancement of the world we guide, encourage and inspire all women to become True Spiritual Freewomen, and all men to become True Spiritual Gentlemen. This transformative experience is a key for social harmony as well as the creation of the deepest and the most harmonious relationships”.
“Our increasing Spiritual Maturity allows us to both Accept and Embrace all experiences - those which at the time are perceived as favorable, unfavorable or neutral. We maturely embrace the sadness of that which is taken from us, and gracefully celebrate the joy of that which is given to us”.
"One of the most important keys for our True Happiness is our increasing Moral & Spiritual Clarity. This increasing clarity allows us to develop an Objective Happiness Criteria".
“And to those who are secularly-spiritual we say: Align with Your Internal Focal Point of Light to All. The focal point of both your Full Potential and your Highest Purpose. Deepen your commitment to becoming an increasing Light - A Light of Liberty & Unity to Self & All”.
"And to those who are religiously-spiritual, we say: May the blessing of The Most High be upon all who feel a deep connection to ‘The Temple Mount of Light to All’. Those who are committed to the deepest cause and mission of the Awakening, Correction and Enhancement of The World".
“Engaging with the Universal, Unified, and Unifying Practice, you deepen your experience of the transcendent and spontaneous state of Silent Stillness. This deep, transcendent state increasingly enhances your ability to flow with life in perfect harmony”.
"Those of us who stand for Light, Life and Liberty may be spiritually, religiously or secularly inclined. To the religiously inclined we say: Embrace the Eternality of Soul, and to those who are inclined to secularity we say: Embrace the Eternality of Higher Consciousness".
“We are calling you and all to Increasingly Awaken your Spiritual Awareness & Political Discernment. Learn to Intelligently Question all that can and should be questioned, including the divisive narratives, convictions and beliefs that you were and are exposed to”.
“When we speak of Complete Freedom, we speak of the physical, psychological and spiritual freedom of One and All”.

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