“Those of us who stand for Light, Life and Liberty may be spiritually, religiously or secularly inclined. To the religiously inclined we say: Embrace the Eternality of Soul, and to those who are inclined to secularity we say: Embrace the Eternality of Higher Consciousness”.

• The UI-Code can be related to as a Unified & Unifying Platform designed to facilitate The Intelligent Unification of all humane & constructive beings – all of those who stand for Light, Life and Liberty. The Intelligent Unification begins with those who are sufficiently ready for the shift, regardless of their inclination. Some may already define themselves as spiritual beings, while others may still define themselves as secular or religious. Regardless of the definition or the mindset, the Nature of Existence is one and the same. As beings who consciously embrace The Universal Code, we learn and understand the principle of freedom, and in this context the freedom of definitions and descriptions. We are able to facilitate a gradual process of unification between the secular and the religious, between the followers of different religions and the secular who are attached to different sets of convictions.
• The increasing understanding of the Eternal Nature of the Self is an important aspect of The UI-Practice and is attained through the unique combination of the statements, contemplations, visualizations, meditation and prayer. Whether you choose to define the Higher aspect of the Self as Higher Consciousness, Soul, or, with any other definition, the experience itself is one and the same.
» For further understanding of The UI-Practice see Practice Level 1.
» For further understanding of The Highest Nature of the Self, see the 7th Principle within The 7 Principles page.