The Universal Value of Liberty

The Universal Value of Liberty

“Liberty is a Universal Value and in order to preserve, restore and advance it, a new level of understanding, commitment and cooperation is required. May all the True Lovers of Liberty, increasingly awaken and Intelligently Unite”.

The UI-Code's principles

• Liberty is a Universal Value, which is essential for the emergence, preservation, and enhancement of life anywhere within existence. A minimal level of freedom is essential for life, and in order for life to manifest, freedom has to be maintained above this minimal threshold. This can be described as the preservation of freedom. In order for you as an individual and for us as humanity to thrive, a higher level of freedom has to be attained. Our aspiration and commitment is for the optimal advancement of Respectful Liberty, and whenever it is lost, it is our responsibility to restore it. Our cooperation and unification with others who share the same understanding and commitment is essential for achieving the effective restoration of Liberty. Once sufficiently restored, we re-engage with its advancement and perfection. 

• As we engage with The UI-Practice and consciously ascend, we experience a higher level of Spiritual Intelligence – (The Intelligence Spectrum & The Development Map). We become increasingly free, and more respectful of the freedom of other beings. 

» For further understanding of Liberty and Freedom, see the 4th principle within The 7 Principles page.


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“I Am consciously choosing now to shift from a conventional & habitual existence to an increasingly Meaningful & Exceptional Existence. I choose to embrace The Highest Purpose of Existence and live according to the most advance, most Unified & Unifying Life Philosophy and Code. With each and every thought and feeling, with each and every breath, my existence is becoming ever-deep, harmonious, and meaningful”.
“The Source of Life is One, and all phenomena are created by The One and exist within it. Engaging with our daily inner practice, we are continually deepening our realization of The Oneness of The Source, our connection and relationship with it, as well as the continual crystallization of The Self - (as it ascends & gradually becomes a Unified Consciousness). If you are Secularly-Spiritual, your primary transformation phrase can be ‘I Am-It Is ↔ It Is-I Am’. If you are Religiously-Spiritual, it can be ‘Oneness Of God ↔ Oneness With God’. And if you are Spiritual, you can use any of the phrases, as you are versed in all the valid development languages. Remember that The Unified Philosophy is designed to Intelligently Unite all the true Respecters of Liberty, regardless of whether they are secular, religious or spiritual”.
“It is our recommendation that you apply The Intelligent Symmetry Guideline whenever interacting with Instinctive Level Beings (UI-Level 300 and below). Be intelligently pleasant with the instinctively pleasant, intelligently assertive with the instinctively assertive, and whenever required, be intelligently forceful with the instinctively forceful. Note that whenever you’re interacting with the restless, agitated, or aggressive, do your very best to be a positive, pacifying, and harmonizing influence”.

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