The UI-Code

The Core Formula

The 7 Core Principles of
The UI-Code


The 7 Core Principles of The UI-Code are described and explained here in a concise manner, which will allow you to begin your engagement with the process of learning, understanding and application.

The concise explanation will be followed by a broader and more detailed one. It is important to remember that all the principles are included in the One and All Inclusive Principle and can be looked at as aspects or expressions of The One Principle. Although presented here in a specific order, the principles can be arranged in any order. Each principle is independently effective, however learned and applied together, their power and effectiveness intensifies significantly.

The UI-Present ‘I Am’ State can also be described as increasingly Intelligent & Conscious State Management.

1. The UI-Present ‘I Am’ State can be described as your Functioning ‘Here Now’ State of Consciousness. It can and should be Intelligently & Consciously managed and continually enhanced.

2. Ordinarily the Present ‘I Am’ State is operating at the Instinctive Level – below UI-Level 300, it is instinctively reactive and is therefore highly compromised. It is dominated by our Instinctive Survival Program and our genetic makeup, and is continually affected by our accumulated experience.

3. At this Level The Instinctive Consciousness is doing its best to ensure our Survival & Prosperity, our Health & Wellbeing, and the effectiveness of our interactions. With it the Instinctive Mindset which is highly affected by processes of conditioning and indoctrination,  is completely subjective & biased and is the cause of divisions & disagreements, competition & conflicts, disharmony & chaos.

4. Through engagement with the UI-Code & Practice, you can learn to correct and enhance your State and ultimately perfect it towards The Highest and Most Unified State (It Is ↔ I Am). This State includes  optimal function & performance, total ethical effectiveness and perfect inner harmony that is not affected by occurrences and circumstances.

5. Consider the following exercises and contemplations:
» Awareness of breathing and posture.
» Consciously enhance your posture as you increase your awareness of breathing.
» Intelligent One Breath – ‘I Am’ (with the intent of enhancing composure and aligning with The Universal Intelligence – The UI).
» Practice intelligent enhancement of the positive and intelligent release of the negative.
» Contemplate – “I Am consciously choosing to intelligently release any and all negative thoughts, feelings, and sensations, and intelligently enhance my abilities, qualities and inner harmony.”

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The UI-Interactive Approach can also be described as the increasingly Intelligent & Conscious Management of our Interactions & Engagements.

The UI-Interactive Approach is the most effective and advanced manner in which you can approach your interactive experiences. It is the most Universal, Unified and Unifying approach to your Interaction & Engagement with the complete spectrum of phenomena.

1. The Principle of The UI-Interactive Approach is focusing on our ongoing Interaction & Engagement with Phenomena & Environments, Systems & Beings, Occurrences & Circumstances. It is facilitating the conscious shift from Instinctive Interaction to increasingly Intelligent Interaction.

2. The UI-Interactive Approach is an expression of The UI-State, where you as an increasingly unified ‘I Am’ consciousness, are able to perceive, interact and engage with the complete spectrum of created phenomena, as a unified reality and experience. The unified state of consciousness is experienced as a deep sense of Inner Harmony while the perception of the field of interaction as a unified sphere allows you to experience optimal Interactive Harmony.

3. As you engage with The UI-Code & Practice, you learn to optimally enhance your Interactive Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and the complete range of your Interactive Abilities & Skills. You develop increasing Strength & Sophistication, while simultaneously developing increasing Consideration & Kindness which are the basis for the creation & maintenance of deeply harmonious relationships. The increasing interactive awareness allows you to perceive with greater accuracy the nature and ‘UI’ level of the beings with whom you interact. It allows you to better understand their behavior and engage with them in a more effective and harmonious manner.

4. The UI-Interactive Approach allows you to differentiate between the beneficial & the harmful, the friendly & the hostile, the ally & the rival, the enhancing & interrupting with greater accuracy. Your Interactive Reactions & Choices will become less impulsive, and more thoughtful. You will gradually gain the ability to free yourself from being dominated, controlled, and manipulated by others as well as from the instinctive desire and tendency to dominate, control and manipulate others

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The UI Purpose is the highest possible life purpose that we can have as beings, and the UI Practice is the most effective, updated, and complete practice for its attainment.

1. Our highest Purpose can be defined and described in any number of ways, some of which are:
The attainment of the highest possible State and level of Intelligence – The optimal realization of our highest Spiritual & Material Potential – Intelligent Self Unification & Intelligent World Unification. Regardless of how you chose to define it, it is essential that you set it intelligently and correctly, and that you will continually increase your commitment & dedication to its attainment.

2. The UI Practice is the most Universal, Unified & Unifying Practice, designed to allow you to attain The Unified Purpose. It allows you to optimally ascend and shift from instinctive existence to intelligent existence. As you ascend you increasingly become a unified being, a unified self, and a unified consciousness – referred to within the second principle.

3. As humanity we have multiple doctrines and practices, some of which are outdated, others are ineffective, and most are intentionally or unintentionally divisive and entrapping, thus further intensifying our divisions & disagreements. They are distinctly different to The UI-Code & Practice, which is designed to Liberate & Unify.

4. Embracing the UI-Code, setting The Higher Purpose, and engaging with The Unified Practice will allow you to become increasingly effective and fulfilled. You will learn how to better organize, harmonize, and unify all the aspects of your existence.

5. Relevant Insights:
» The UI Purpose – It is essential that you set your higher life purpose correctly.
» The UI Practice is a lifelong inner practice described as 3602 ⁄ 24×7 – It is a continual inner practice (24×7), where you optimally enhance all the aspects of your existence (3602).
» The Seven Year Practice – it takes some 7 years of continual guided engagement to develop a sufficient understanding and mastery of The UI-Code & Practice.
» Increasingly learn and master The 100 Abilities & Qualities.
» Practice continual Self Awareness & Self Observation, learn your qualities & flaws – continually enhance your qualities and correct your flaws.
» The Practice includes: Intelligent Self Management – Excellence – Optimal State & Attitude – Optimal Function & Performance – Mind Management – Management of your Thoughts & Feelings – Optimal Decision Making – Management of Desires & Fears – Goal Setting & Goal Attainment – Interaction – Communication – Negotiation – Mediation – Crisis Management – Conflict Management – Continual Reorganization – Continual Reharmonization…
» Continually practice awareness of breathing – one breath release – one breath reharmonization.

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The UI Freedom can also be described as Increasing Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical Freedom –
Oneself and All.

1. Freedom is one of the most important Elements of Intelligence, it is a Universal Value, and A Primary Principle of The UI Code. It is a central aspect of each of the other six principles.

2. The UI Freedom stands for Complete & Total Freedom, which ranges from the highest and most transcendent freedom down to spiritual freedom, psychological freedom, and to the most basic physical or material freedom. It ranges from the internal to the external, from the one source to the one totality, from the personal to the interactive, to the social, the national, the global and the universal.

3. Our purpose and goal is to preserve, enhance and perfect both our Inner & Interactive Freedom, as it is essential for all levels and aspects of our existence. Freedom is essential for our survival & prosperity, our health & wellbeing and for the creation of deep, meaningful, and harmonious relationships. It is a prerequisite for our inner harmony, fulfillment, personal development, spiritual attainment, and success.

4. To better understand The Principle of Freedom, we can use The Intelligence Spectrum and The Three Realm Model.
i. At The Instinctive Realm – (UI Level 1 – 300) the focus is primarily on preserving, enhancing, and celebrating our physical and material freedom, and to some extent the freedom of those instinctively related to us.
ii. At The Mid Realm – (UI Level 301 – 600) our focus expands to include the preservation, enhancement, and celebration of our psychological & spiritual freedom – our free thinking and free choice. At this level we learn to manage our increasingly intelligent freedom with intelligent self-restriction, to achieve and maintain balance & harmony.
iii. At The Higher Realm – (UI Level 601 – 900) our focus expands further to include the celebration of the highest state and level of Freedom, which is accompanied by complete & total commitment to the Intelligent Liberation of one and all.

5. It is important to understand that the multiple doctrines & practices – (religious, political, and financial), that most of humanity are living by, are deeply rooted in the instinctive realm, where Freedom is highly compromised. The instinctive code is based on desire & fear, divisions & disagreements, competition & conflict, coercion & oppression, and conditioning & indoctrination, – as those who are relatively more sophisticated tend to dominate, control, manipulate and exploit those who are relatively less sophisticated. This can be described as the instinctive hierarchical chain of domination & submission.

6. As you embrace The UI Code and engage with The UI Practice, you learn to consciously activate your inner spiritual freedom, which is independent of life’s occurrences & circumstances. Simultaneously you consciously work on your psychological and physical freedom, which includes freeing yourself from your subjective perception, conditioning, indoctrination, blind belief, and from all forms of bias & prejudice. You gradually become a free spirit and an independent thinker that is capable of making intelligent and free choices.

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The UI Objectivity can also be described as increasingly Objective & Unified Perception, as well as the continual perfection of Wisdom, towards the attainment of The Highest Universal Wisdom.

1. Objectivity like Freedom is an important element of Intelligence and a prerequisite for Intelligent Existence.
It is the basis for Universal Wisdom as well as Advanced Moral Intelligence, Fairness, and Justice. It allows us to accurately perceive & discern the difference between right and wrong as we Objectively Evaluate All Experiences, Behaviors and Choices – Our own, and that of others.

2. Our Purpose in relation to the fifth principle, is to attain The Highest Awareness, and The Deepest Understanding of existence, as well as the most Expanded, Objective and Clear Perception of Reality.

3. To Further understand The Principle of Increasing Objectivity we can use The UI Spectrum and The Three Realm Model.
i. At The Upper Instinctive Realm – (UI Level 200 – 300) we perceive and process information through our Instinctive Personal Consciousness Structure. At this level our perception is highly compromised, as it is completely subjective & biased, restricted & distorted, partial & fragmented. This flawed state of consciousness is being further compromised by processes of Continual Consciousness Manipulation, where the relatively more sophisticated are continually conditioning and indoctrinating those who are relatively less sophisticated. These Consciousness Manipulations result in rigid blind beliefs, which further distort perceptions, interpretations, conclusions, choices, outcomes, and consequences. They intensify subjectivity & bias, divisions & disagreements, conflicts & chaos.
ii. At The Mid Realm – (UI – Level 301 – 600) we begin to understand the subjective nature of our Instinctive Consciousness & Perception. We consciously resolve to shift from Subjectivity to Objectivity, and to gradually free ourselves from bias & blind belief, as well as develop an increasingly expanded, comprehensive & clear perception.
We increasingly understand our Instinctive Bias and our natural inclination to protect and advance our Self Interests, as well as the interests of those instinctively related to us, and the groups to which we belong.
We gradually shift from “this is how it is” to “this is how I perceive it is, at this point”.
Although we continually rely on our current state and perception, we nevertheless understand its subjective nature and learn to allow the possibility that our perception may be flawed.
We experience increasingly Intelligent Agreement with any other being, who like us is also committed to the Development & Perfection of Objectivity.
iii. At The Higher Realm – (UI Level 601 – 900) we are able to completely transcend our Instinctive Consciousness and our Personal & Subjective Perception and perceive Reality As It Is. We exist as a completely Unified Consciousness and experience the realm of manifested existence as A One Totality – A Unified Sphere/Field.
Beings who have ascended to The Intelleal Transcendent Realm experience complete agreement & total interactive harmony.

4. As you embrace The UI-Code and Engage with The UI-Practice, you develop an increasingly objective and unified perception. Gradually freeing yourself from past conditioning & indoctrination, as well as the innate restrictions of the Instinctive Survival Program – you increasingly develop Open Mindedness while learning to simultaneously be Objectively Critical.
When evaluating A Political Ideology, as an example, you neither approach it from a Right, Left or Center position, but from A Higher View, which allows you to better understand the innate biases, the intense disagreements, the root causes of problems, and the best known solutions.
Similarly, when evaluating A Religious Doctrine, you neither approach it from within the faith, nor from any external biased position but objectively evaluate it from above. This allows you to differentiate between valid and beneficial Laws, Rules and Practices and those which are invalid and non-beneficial.

5. Note that in the same way that The Principle of Freedom (The Fourth Principle) is a prerequisite for objectivity, wisdom and intelligent agreement, The Fifth Principle is a prerequisite for Intelligent Unity, and the creation of The UI-Alliance (The Sixth Principle).

6. Relevant Insights
» As a part of your engagement with the UI-Practice, resolve to develop A Unified Consciousness which is Increasingly Universal & Objective.
» Understand the subjective nature of The Instinctive Consciousness and that each being has his/her unique personal subjective experience of reality, subjective perception, beliefs, views, and opinions.
» As you become a increasingly free and objective thinker, you learn to differentiate between beliefs and facts, while continually increasing your mastery of factual thinking, assumptive thinking, strategic thinking, and creative thinking.
» As much as possible ensure a positively neutral state of consciousness – (First Principle) and from that state objectively evaluate and reevaluate, question and re-question anything and everything.
» As a part of your practice of positive influence, encourage others to become increasingly objective.

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The Unified State of Intelligent Universality can also be described as the continual perfection of Intelligent Unity & Uniqueness – both Internal & External. It is the basis for The UI-Alliance.

1. The sixth principle guides us to The Attainment of the higher state of consciousness described here as The Unified State of Intelligent Universality.
The principle allows for the intelligent integration and harmonization of any sufficiently evolved system, from oneself to one’s relationship, to a team, a society, a nation, a civilization and beyond.

2. Our initial purpose in relation to the sixth principle is to learn and understand this Advanced Unified State as well as the Highest Universal Values & Principles on which it is based. Once sufficiently understood we can use them as A Unifying Platform for an advanced Alliance with any other being who is sufficiently ready.

3. To further understand The Unified State of Intelligent Universality and The UI-Alliance we can use the insight of The Intelligence Spectrum and The Model of The Three Realms of Consciousness:
i. At the Instinctive Realm – (UI Level 300 and below) our behavior is dictated by the instinctive survival program. Alliances & Rivalries are based on personal survival interests, as well as Circumstances and Processes of Conditioning & Indoctrination. Instinctive Alliances can instantaneously dissolve if they no longer serve self-interests. At this level, our state of consciousness is fragmented and divisive and our underdeveloped individual uniqueness is often suppressed.
ii. At the Mid Realm – (UI Level 301 – 600) we consciously choose to base our behavior on the Highest Universal Values & Principles. We develop increasing inner unity and the ability to intelligently unite with others, who like us are choosing to live by the highest values and principles. We discover and enhance our uniqueness and our special talents and gifts, while ensuring that it is balanced by a true sense of humility.
iii. At the Intelleal – Universal Realm – (UI Level 601 – 900) we experience ourselves as universal beings, members of the UI-Alliance, totally committed to The Highest Cause – Which can be Universally described as “The Preservation & Enhancement of Existence”, and Locally described as “The Intelligent Liberation & Intelligent Unification of Humanity”.

4. Any Being who has ascended to The Advanced UI-Level is experiencing himself or herself as A Conscious Expression of The One Universal and Eternal Consciousness – A Universal Being and A Member of The One Universal & Eternal Alliance.
This Alliance is The Actual Reality, of All The Advanced Beings of The Present, Past and Future, throughout Existence, throughout Space and throughout Time. It is the actual reality of all of those who are Sufficiently Aware of their One, Universal and Eternal Nature, and are Sufficiently Committed to The Highest Cause.

5. Please note that as an individual you can experience some internal unification, as well as some harmony and prosperity using any one of the multitude of doctrines and practices. However, our Intelligent unification as people, essential for our very survival as a civilization, can only occur when we consciously embrace this Advanced Intelligence Code, engage with The Unified Platform, and connect to The Universal Alliance.

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The UI Principle can also be described as The Highest possible State and Level of Intelligence, The State of Oneness, The Principle of Oneness and The Principle of One.
It describes The One Element from which all is made, as well as the relationship between The One Source and The One Totality.

1. The Principle of Oneness represents The One, Universal and Eternal Intelligence which creates and permeates All That Is. It is The One and Highest Universal Value which contains within it all the Higher Universal Values, as it is The One and all encompassing Principle, which encompasses all the principles of life.
Its three main aspects are:
» The Oneness of The Universal Intelligence – (The One Source).
» The Oneness of All Created Phenomena – (The One Totality).
» The Oneness of The Individual Consciousness & The Universal Consciousness.

2. The Seventh Principle can be related to as The Master Key to Intelligent and Optimal Existence. Our purpose in relation to it, is to continually learn, understand, assimilate, apply, and exemplify it through the complete sphere of our existence.

3. It represents the actual nature of existence as it guides us to the complete realization of our fullest potential, as individuals, as people and as a civilization.

4. In its fullest sense, The State of Oneness stands for Enlighted Existence – (UI Level 601 to 900).
Using the metaphor of the Ocean and the Wave, where the Ocean represents The Universal Intelligence, and the Wave represents The Self as an Individual Consciousness, we can describe three levels of realization:
» The Wave and the Ocean are One – (UI Level 601 to 700)
» The Ocean and the Wave are One – (UI Level 701 to 800)
» Only The One and Eternal Ocean of Intelligence Is – It Is – (UI Level 801 to 900)

5. The Seventh Principle describes the relationship between The One and The Many, while simultaneously functions as a criteria with which you can evaluate how Internally Unified you are as an individual and how Interactively Unified we are as a people.

6. Engaging with the lifelong practice of The Principle of Oneness, will allow you to increasingly Become One as an individual, and when practiced by an ever-increasing number of beings, it will allow us to increasingly Become One as a people.
Becoming One as an individual, includes experiencing continual inner harmony and complete inner peace, independent of the external circumstances of our existence.
Becoming One as a people means ascending from the instinctive state of divisions & disagreements to the long-awaited state of World Harmony & Peace, yearned for by all of those who are sufficiently evolved.

7. To optimize your ongoing practice of The Seventh Principle, it is recommended that you learn and assimilate the following sequence, insight and contemplation of Oneness:

The Sequence of Oneness:
Alignment – Ascendance – Transcendence – Immersion – Mergence – Unity – Oneness.

The Insight of Oneness:
The Individual Consciousness and The Universal Consciousness Are One – (The IC & UC Are One).

The Contemplation of Oneness:   
It Is, We Are, I Am The One – I Am, We Are, It Is The One.