The Intelligence

The One Universal and Eternal Intelligence
The Source of All That Is

Intelligence is Life and Life is Intelligence.

Intelligence in its highest state exists as Pure Non-Manifested Intelligence. It is the One Source of All that Is and it permeates that which it creates. It is beyond language, definitions and descriptions, and yet can be described in any number of ways.

In its manifested state it is the very nature of existence, and is an observable reality.

In The UI-Code and Teaching, we relate to the Intelligence using such terms as The Universal Intelligence or ‘UI’,
The Universal Consciousness or ‘UC’, The Intelligence of
Life, Divine Intelligence, etc. –
Regardless of the terms used, The Intelligence Is One and the same.

Intelligence is endowed with a wide range of Abilities & Powers.
In the UI-Code and
Teaching, we have identified & formulated over 270 such abilities
& powers of

The primary abilities & powers of Intelligence includes the ability to Be, Know,
Choose, Realize, Execute Choices, Create, Destroy, Preserve, Enhance and Celebrate.

Intelligence manifests as a spectrum ranging from the highest to the lowest. The Intelligence Spectrum as presented and explained in the UI-Code, is a most current and accurate map of our development and evolution process, and one of the most powerful tools for our personal and global transformation.

The Intelligence Spectrum

The most effective Map for our Personal & Spiritual Development
Described as a 3 Realms Model

  • The Oneness of The Intelligence of Life – The Universal Intelligence – The UI
  • The Oneness of Existence – The Oneness of Creation
  • The Oneness of The Self & The UI
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  • The UI-Code – Effective Conscious Development
  • Increasing Inner & Interactive Harmony
  • Spiritual Development & Material Prosperity
  • Intelligent Liberation & Unification of Humanity
  • Instinctive Survival Program – (Desire & Fear)
  • Continual Struggle & Rivalry – continual quest for Survival & Prosperity
  • Divisive Doctrines – Intensifying Divisions & Disagreements
  • Accelerated Technological Advancement

The Intelligence Spectrum

Described as a scale from 1 to 1,000

This level represents the emergence of biophysical existence – (from the simplest life forms to plants and animals). The diverse range of species are continually adapting themselves to the various environments. Behavior is dictated by the Instinctive Survival Program, which is designed to ensure the continuation of life. 

This level relates to the existence of mammals and primates as well as the existence and gradual development of primitive humans. Behavior is dictated by The Instinctive Survival Program and in the case of humans the behavior is also affected by the continual accumulation of the collective experience. This level marks the creation and use of basic tools, the management and use of fire and the beginning of written language. The accumulated survival related knowledge is shared and passed down through the generations. The ongoing struggle for survival is accompanied by a continual rivalry between and within groups, and the behavior which is generally determined by survival needs, ranges from the peaceful to the most aggressive. There is an expansion of the instinctive consciousness from sensations to feelings, which manifests as a greater attachment and care for those instinctively related, however at this level there is little regard to the existence and experience of others. The basic social organization allows for a shift from groups to tribes, and is accompanied by the emergence of basic religion.

At this level of Existence beings are primarily dominated by The Instinctive Code and are motivated by Desire & Fear. They mostly focus on the Preservation, Enhancement and Celebration of their biophysical and material existence, as well as those instinctively related to them. At this phase, the people are engaged with the establishment of a broad range of systems, institutions and ventures, which allow for the establishment of semi-civilized societies which are semi stable and partly free. These systems include: technological, scientific, religious and governmental systems as well as financial, social, educational and other. Behavior at this level is primarily determined by a person’s Nature & Makeup, combined with two highly divisive dynamics – The Innate Instinctive-Survival Program and a personal interpretation of the Acquired Social-Instinctive Program, which includes norms, guidelines, rules and laws adopted by or imposed on the person. This semi-civilized behavioral program can be of a religious, political, secular or mixed nature. Existence at this level is primarily chaotic, as these two highly divisive dynamics manifest as Divisions, Disagreements and Rivalries within and between systems. These tend to lead to Conflicts & Wars of various intensities, and are posing a real threat of destruction on various scales. 

•  Instinctive-Reactive State of Consciousness, at this level a person’s Functioning State – (the ‘Here Now’ Functioning State of Consciousness), which in turn determines a person’s level of Function & Performance is influenced by a combination of factors, including personality structure, training, habits and circumstances. At this level of existence The State may range from the highly positive to the highly negative and often fluctuate & alternate between positive and negative independent of a person’s will or conscious choice, due to personal ability, patterns of behavior and reactions to experiences & circumstances. Function & Performance are determined by the level of Composure & Clarity, which are easier to maintain when the state is positively neutral and are more readily compromised when the state is negative. It is common for a person’s state to be predominantly positive or negative and the general ratio of the two is usually consistent. Stronger personalities or those who have acquired more effective state-management skills are better able to maintain a sufficiently  functioning state when under pressure and often assume leadership positions.

•  At this phase of evolution, the people’s Interactive Behavior is primarily determined by their Nature & Makeup, and the two divisive programs – the Innate Instinctive-Survival Program and the Acquired Social-Psychological Program. The interactive behavior includes the Perception & Definition of self and others, as well as their choices of being, having and doing – (Actions & Reactions). The Acquired Program is created through processes of Conditioning & Indoctrination and includes the complete set of personal Convictions & Beliefs (religious, political or other), as well as the person’s ‘groups of belonging’. 
» It is important to understand that some of the religious and or political doctrines assimilated by the people are essential for the creation of the fragile social stability. Yet they simultaneously intensify the Instinctive Divisions & Disagreements. The fragile stability allows for some Fairness, Justice, Enjoyment and Harmony, however the prevalent experiences are still those of Unfairness, Injustice, Suffering and Disharmony. 
At this stage of existence Emotional Intelligence is not yet sufficiently activated and it is therefore common for those who are Relatively More Sophisticated to manipulate & exploit those who are Relatively Less Sophisticated.
Competitive Collaborations at this stage are common and are an essential aspect of the technological and cultural advancements. While some collaborations are beneficial for humanity, others are used by those who are Relatively More Sophisticated to manipulate, exploit, control and oppress those who are Relatively Less Sophisticated.
Interpersonal Relationships are seldom harmonious at this level, as consideration, kindness, respect and the sacredness of female consent are not yet sufficiently assimilated. Even relationships, which are entered by free choice are usually disharmonious, as the people lack the knowledge of how to create deep, meaningful, loving, and long-lasting relationships.

•  Existence at this level is materially orientated, it is habitual, circumstantial, and primarily disharmonious. The complete self (all levels and all aspects – 360²) is not yet known. The people only have a Fractional Awareness of The Self, and a partial understanding of the human potential. While the complete Intelligence Spectrum includes the three realms, the Instinctive-Material, the Conscious-Psychological and the Intelleal-Spiritual, the people’s experience is mostly limited to the lower realm – (Instinctive-Material). Conscious Self Management is not yet sufficiently understood or practiced, and although some material fulfillment can be experienced, true happiness, deeper fulfillment and contentment, inner harmony and inner peace can only be experienced when ascending to the next level. 
» The multitude of development practices of religious and secular origins are highly divisive. While being materially and or psychologically beneficial to some extent, they are simultaneously intensifying the existing divisions & disagreements and are leading to greater disharmony. 
At this level the accelerated technological advancement is accompanied by Practical Clarity while lacking in both Moral and Spiritual Clarity. Through the embracement of The Unified and Unifying Practice the people can develop a deeper Spiritual Clarity that can ensure that technology is used wisely and constructively.

•  Using The Intelligence Spectrum and The Three Realms Model – (IS TRIM) we can describe Complete Freedom as encompassing Physical Freedom, Psychological Freedom and Spiritual Freedom. At this instinctive level of existence, the physical freedom of self and those instinctively related is understood and desired. With it, both psychological and spiritual freedom are not yet sufficiently understood and or practiced. Processes of thoughts & feelings as well as choices & decisions are determined and dictated by The Innate-Instinctive Survival Program, and The Acquired-Social Psychological Program which is introduced into the consciousness, through processes of conditioning and indoctrination. While people may falsely believe that they are Free Thinkers, capable of Free Choice, they are, in fact, instinctively and psychologically entrapped in desire, fear, attachments, bias, false narratives, rigid convictions and blind beliefs.
» Through this 3rd stage of Spiritual Evolution, and especially through its second half – (UI Level 250 – 300) a small percentage of people begin to understand the potential and importance of Physical & Psychological Freedom. They courageously lead others to the establishment of the Semi Free Nations – (democracies) and bravely stand against slavery, oppression and coercion – religious and political, including the sacred right of women to freely choose their partner – (the abolition of forced and coerced marriages). With it, it is important to remember that even within the Semi Free Nations, the establishment of complete and true freedom is only in its beginning stage, as at this phase there are still numerous examples of coercion, oppression, manipulation and exploitation – physical, psychological and financial.

•  At this level the people’s mindset is subjective and biased, and their perception is restricted and distorted, as it is strongly affected by the two divisive programs.

The Instinctive Criteria for right & wrong at this level, is determined by personal and group interests. The people tend to instinctively measure the extent to which an occurrence is beneficial or harmful, to themselves, their team and group – (is it perceived as an opportunity or threat). The innately biased instinctive consciousness, is being further tainted by processes of conditioning & indoctrination, resulting in the assimilation of rigid sets of beliefs and preconceptions. The limited Practical Clarity experienced at this stage, together with some shared preconceptions and beliefs, allow for some agreement especially in relation to practical matters. However, it is accompanied by intense disagreements between and within groups, as what is subjectively perceived as just, fair and beneficial by one individual or group, is perceived as unjust, unfair and harmful by another. True Objective and Universal Wisdom, which is essential for Moral & Spiritual Clarity, and the ability to objectively differentiate between right & wrong, only develops at the higher stages of Spiritual Evolution.

This level of Spiritual Evolution is most significant, as it represents the conscious shift from an instinctive, divisive and primarily chaotic existence to an Intelligent, Unified and Harmonious one. As you increasingly embrace the Universal Principles of Intelligent Existence and Intelligent Coexistence, your primary focus gradually expands to include the realization of both your Spiritual & Material potential. You are able to enhance your Ethical Effectiveness and attain increasing Inner Harmony & Peace, accompanied by True Fulfillment, Contentment, and Happiness. As an increasing number of humane & constructive beings embrace The Universal Code of Being & Behavior, they are able to continually free themselves from the divisive conditioning and indoctrination processes that they were exposed to. The conflicts, wars and threats of destruction which characterize the previous evolutionary phase are being resolved and replaced with an ever growing Inner & Interactive Harmony, Intelligent Cooperation, Freedom, Wellbeing, Prosperity, Unity and Peace. 

•  The conscious shift from Instinctive Existence (UI-Level 201 to 300), to the initial stage of Intelligent & Conscious Existence (UI-Level 301 to 400) is accompanied by your increasing ability to intelligently & consciously determine and manage, your ‘Here Now’ Functioning State of Consciousness. As you develop this ability, your level of function & performance will improve in a symmetric manner. Embracing the principles of Intelligent Existence and engaging with an advanced, personal and spiritual development practice, you learn what the optimal functioning state is and set it as your criteria. Simultaneously you observe your actual functioning state – (self awareness & self observation) through each and every moment of your waking state. Whenever you observe your state to be other than Positively-Neutral, you engage with the practice of correction & enhancement, applying conscious will & intention; Perspective, Acceptance and Detachment, combined with such techniques as ‘One Breathe Alignment & Release’ until composure & clarity are regained. As you ascend along the Intelligence Spectrum towards UI-Level 400 you are able to maintain a highly functioning state for prolonged periods of time. Simultaneously you develop the skills that allow you to shorten the time it takes you, to regain composure and alignment.
» Through engagement with the conscious practice you observe the continual improvement of your positive-negative ratio. Your increased ability to maintain a higher level of function and make sound decisions under pressure, allows you to be more effective at managing conflicts & crisis, facing challenges and seizing opportunities. These abilities make you more fit to assume positions of management and leadership.

•  At this phase of evolution, the people’s interactive behavior is beginning to be guided by The Intelligence Code – The Universal Principles of Intelligent Existence and Intelligent Coexistence. As the people begin to ascend from instinctive divisive existence to Intelligent & Unified Existence, they gradually develop the ability to transcend the Instinctive Survival Program and free themselves from rigid religious beliefs and intense political convictions. It is important to understand that passing through the phase of divisive religious and political doctrines is a stepping stone and a preparation for the ascendance to the phase of Intelligent, Peaceful, Collaborative and Transformative Coexistence. Societies are becoming more stable, as those who were entrapped in radical doctrines are being gradually freed and choose to embrace moderation. The immense amount of energy that was used for counteracting rivalries, conflicts, crime and wars, can now be allocated to the Increasing Ethical Prosperity of all humane & constructive beings. As more and more people consciously embrace The Universal Code and further develop their emotional & spiritual intelligence – (consideration, kindness, care, compassion, moral and spiritual clarity) there is a marked increase in fairness and true justice. Those who are Relatively More Sophisticated – (RMS) are gradually becoming more ethical, and are now guiding and empowering those who are Relatively Less Sophisticated – (RLS). They are initiating and leading constructive ventures that are truly beneficial for All.
As you and others learn and apply the principles of Intelligent, Effective and Harmonious interaction, you are able to create deep, meaningful, loving and long-lasting relationships. Mutual respect, gender equality, and the sacredness of female consent are being increasingly assimilated and exemplified, as they become a part of Intelligent Education.

•  Existence at this level is characterized by a Conscious Embracement of The Intelligence Code, also described as The Universal, Unified and Unifying Code of Being & Behavior. As you engage with The UI-Practice, you deepen your understanding of the potential balance of The Spiritual and The Material, and your development orientated existence becomes increasingly harmonious, both internally and interactively. Your increased understanding of the principle of The Intelligent Optimization of Systems is applied (by you and others), to all levels of existence, from the personal to the universal. You consciously learn the nature of The Complete Self – (all levels and all aspects – 360²
) and effectively develop towards the attainment of your highest potential as a unique individual and our fullest potential as people.
» Engaging with The UI-Practice, you develop an increasing ability to intelligently manage your mind, effectively counteract & neutralize interruptions and threats.  You increase your inner harmony and peace while deepening your intelligent fulfillment, contentment and happiness.
Your ongoing engagement with The UI-Practice allows you to better understand the chaotic effect of the multitude of divisive doctrines and practices, as well as their various contributions.
» Our increasing Moral & Spiritual Clarity is ensuring that our accelerated technological advancements are being used constructively and wisely for the benefit of all. There is a gradual and constant increase in freedom, knowledge, wellbeing, prosperity, harmony, unity and peace.

•  Freedom is a Universal Value, a Principle of Life, and an important aspect of The Higher Purpose and The Advance UI-Practice. The advancement of Complete Freedom through The Intelligent Spectrum and The Three Realms – The Physical, The Psychological and The Spiritual is essential for the attainment of wellbeing, prosperity and harmony at all scales – from the personal, to the interpersonal, to the social, the global and the universal. This level of existence is characterized by the initial understanding of the nature of Complete Freedom as well as the basic commitment for its attainment. Ascending from Instinctive Existence to the realm of Intelligent & Conscious Existence, your commitment to your personal freedom and that of those instinctively related to you expands to include the Complete Freedom of all Freedom Respecters – all humane and constructive beings. As you and others develop an increasing understanding of the processes of conditioning & indoctrination, you continually free yourself from bias, rigid convictions and blind beliefs and gradually become free thinkers, truly capable of Free Choice. 
» As a greater percentage of people understand and embrace The Principle of Intelligent Freedom & Intelligent Restriction, the cycles of indoctrination are being replaced by the cycles of liberation – where you and those who have been liberated are now becoming the liberators. (It is now becoming increasingly clear that the misuse of such concepts as ‘freedom of religion’ should not include the right to indoctrinate, coerce and deny the constructive freedom of others). At this phase of evolution, our societies and nations, which at best were semi-free, are steadily developing towards true freedom.

•  Ascending to and through the realm of Intelligent & Conscious Existence – (the 4
th level of Spiritual Evolution – UI-Level 301 to 400), we gradually free ourselves from the entrapment of the two divisive programs, and the innate & acquired bias that they cause. Our General Perception Expands, becomes clearer and allows for the beginning of objectivity. As we engage with our conscious development, we identify and increasingly understand The Complete Set of The Universal Values & Principles, and adopt them as our Criteria for Perception and Behavior. In addition to the Instinctive Practical Clarity, which we already have, we gradually develop increasing Psychological and Spiritual Clarity. We now demonstrate the initial ability to objectively discern between what is Right, Just, Ethical, and Fair and what is Wrong, Unjust, Unethical and Unfair. 
» Our spiritual commitment to Intelligent Coexistence and our increasing sense of responsibility to life, allows our consciousness to expand beyond the narrow instinctive personal and group interests, and embrace a mutual commitment to the preservation and enhancement of existence. Guided by the shared universal values, we adopt The UI-Code’s Round Table Approach based on mutual respect, open mindedness, and a commitment to the objective & critical evaluation of all experiences. This allows the level of our Intelligent Agreement to continually and significantly increase. As we become better in sharing our information, knowledge, insights and perspectives, our wisdom grows, and we come to better understand how to effectively counteract and neutralize the various threats and challenges that we face. Our increasingly intelligent cooperation allows us to optimally seize the numerous opportunities which are continually unfolding.

•  This level is characterized by the Initial Understanding and Embracement of The Universal, Unified and Unifying Code, which is based on the continual learning, increasing understanding and effective application of The Highest Universal Values & Principles. Beings who have ascended to this level – (UI-Level) 301 to 400 experience the shift from Instinctive Existence, which is dictated by The Two Divisive Programs, to Intelligent Existence which is guided by The Universal, Unified & Unifying Code. It is important to emphasize that UI-Level 300 is the threshold between these two distinctively different manners of existence, the lower, which is characterized by Instinctive & Doctrinal Divisions, and the higher which manifests as Increasingly Intelligent Unification.

Ascending above the ‘Unity-Division Threshold’ means that you are developing a sufficient ability to Consciously & Objectively observe and manage the various aspects of your instinctive behavior and intelligently override them as appropriate – (these aspect include your thoughts, feelings, sensations and choices of actions & reactions).
» Ascending to this level, your existence becomes increasingly meaningful as you begin to define yourself as a Universal Being, who consciously supports the highest possible cause of Liberty & Unity. Enjoying new levels of harmony with others, you understand the importance of discovering, preserving and optimally developing your own unique personal expression & contribution to society, humanity and life itself. You naturally enter a special Alliance with all of those who share a similar understanding of the Universal Values, and a similar commitment to both – Intelligent Existence & Intelligent Coexistence. This Ever-Existing Universal Alliance is based on a deep appreciation of Life, Liberty and Light and an ever-deepening commitment to its Preservation & Enhancement. It is based on mutual respect, mutual support & defense, and intelligent cooperation in the continual advancement towards the Highest Technological & Spiritual Maturity.

•  At this level you develop a clearer conceptual understanding of The Principle & State of Oneness and its main aspects, which include;
» The One Universal & Eternal Intelligence – The Most High – The Source of All that Is.
» The Oneness of Creation.
» The Oneness of The Individual Consciousness – (The Self).
» The Oneness of The Individual Consciousness & Creation.
» The Oneness of The Individual Consciousness & The One Universal & Eternal Intelligence.
Your Conscious Practice can include the continual enhancement of Composure & Alignment, as well as the frequent contemplation of the Power Phrase “I Am – It Is / It Is – I Am”. 

At this level of Spiritual Evolution you Deepen & Consolidate your understanding of The Universal Intelligence Code. As you learn, understand and apply The 7 Core Principles, The Universal Values described in such words as Light, Life and Liberty become evermore meaningful to you. Your motive for engaging with The Conscious Development Practice gradually expands, to include The Enhancement of the existence of All. Your ethical effectiveness and sophistication gradually increase, together with your ability to positively influence others. You are now able to guide and assist others in the process of freeing themselves from conditioning & indoctrination. Social Stability & Harmony is continually increasing, as more and more people are embracing The Universal Intelligence Code. 

•  At this level you continue to enhance your ability to Intelligently & Consciously manage your Present, Functioning State of Consciousness – (Your I Am – ‘Here Now’ State). Your understanding of Composure & Alignment deepens, and begins to include an actual experience of The ‘I Am’ State – (The Conscious Self, aligned with The ‘It Is’ State – The Universal Intelligence as The Source of Existence). Your Self Awareness continues to improve, together with your ability to Maintain, Correct and Enhance your Positively Neutral State. Your ability to consciously manage your Positive-Negative Ratio continues to develop, which manifests as a further enhancement of function & performance, as well as sound decision making under pressure. You are now steadily  advancing towards an optimal mastery of State, Attitude and Mode.

•  The people’s Interactive Experience at this level of evolution is being further enhanced as they deepen & consolidate their understanding of The Universal Code – (The Universal Values & Principles). The increasing ability to transcend The Two Divisive Programs – (the innate instinctive survival program and the acquired social-psychological program), manifests as greater interactive fairness and justice. Through the continual spread of intelligent education, political and religious radicalism fade away, as they are being replaced with intelligent moderation. The gap between the Relatively More Sophisticated – (RMS) and the Relatively Less Sophisticated – (RLS) is being diminished as the former positively empowers the latter. Our deeper understanding of the highest human qualities is accompanied by the beginning of their actual exemplification. The mastery of these advanced interactive abilities & qualities provides the option for those who are inclined to spiritual mentorship, to embrace the responsibility of being a UI-Mentor. This includes the enhancement of their negotiation, mediation, and advanced crisis management abilities. Our interpersonal relationships are becoming deep & harmonious as our capacity to respect, care and love grows. Gender equality and true consent are widely understood and practiced. Our free societies are becoming increasingly stable and harmonious.  

•  At this level, you and others continue to consolidate both your understanding of The UI-Code and your engagement with The UI-Practice. You come to better understand The One & Unified Path, which effectively leads to both the realization of your highest potential as a person and our fullest potential as people. Your development oriented existence is becoming increasingly spiritual, as you learn how to effectively integrate both your Personal Development and Spiritual Ascendance. You establish and experience the balance of The Spiritual & The Material, and better understand the importance of our material prosperity and the greater importance of our spiritual attainment. At this level, your commitment to the attainment of The Highest Purpose deepens, and your conscious engagement with The Unified and Unifying Practice expands. You begin to tangibly exemplify The Universal Values & Principles of Intelligent and Optimal Existence. Your Inner Practice manifests as The Continual Perfection of your Unique Spiritual Presence, expressed through your State, Attitude, and Behavior. You now fully understand the importance of a continual Inner Practice, which is free from Divisive External Displays, such as rigid attachment to terminologies, rituals, objects, and places. At this stage of ascendence you begin to have a Transformative, Positive and Unifying Influence on others. 

•  Ascending through The Realm of Intelligent & Conscious Existence, you consolidate your understanding of The Nature of Complete Freedom, as it manifests through the three realms of existence – The Instinctive, The Psychological, and The Spiritual. The conceptual understanding that you have attained at the previous level of spiritual evolution gradually becomes experiential. Your deepening experience of psychological freedom is accompanied by a greater commitment to the Freedom of All Freedom Respecters. Your new experience allows you to effectively exemplify and explain to others the nature & potential of psychological freedom, which includes free thinking, free feeling, and free choice. You experience the immense privilege of liberating others as you guide them through this most meaningful journey of liberation, from the conditioning & indoctrination processes that they were subject to. At this phase of evolution, our societies and nations are steadily and consciously ascending towards complete and total freedom. 

•  Advancing through The 5th level of Spiritual Evolution – (UI-Level 401 to 500) your general awareness and perception continue to expand and you experience increasing clarity about yourself, others and life. As you continue to free yourself from the two divisive programs, you gradually consolidate your ability to Be Objective. You are now able to guide others in the journey from bias and disagreement to Objectivity & Intelligent Agreement. At this phase, you begin to activate and develop your Spiritual Consciousness towards the attainment of a Unified Consciousness, which is harmoniously interacting with The Unified Field & Sphere of Perception. Such development ensures the continual enhancement of your Threefold Clarity – the practical, moral and spiritual clarity. It is important to note that out of the three; it is the Spiritual Clarity that is the most essential for your ability to objectively discern, between the right & the wrong, the just & the unjust, the fair & the unfair, the beneficial & the harmful. Guided by a deeper understanding of The UI-Code’s Round Table Approach, we experience increasing agreement and are better able to intelligently engage with the complete range of our challenges and opportunities.

•  Ascending through this level, we deepen and consolidate the understanding of our Universal Nature. Relating to ourselves and others as Universal Beings enhances our ability to further accept our instinctive differences and effectively transcend the traces of our doctrinal divisions. The deepening experience of The Similarity of our Being is accompanied by The Intelligent Diversity of our Personal Expressions and the celebration of our harmonious existence. Our Intelligent Education for Harmonious Coexistence has replaced the doctrinal divisions with The Unified Philosophy of Life. It is serving as a global platform for our personal ascendence and our Intelligent Unification. The continual support of The UI-Cause is accompanied by our Natural Alliance with all those who have embraced The Universal Code and are committed to the Liberty and Unity of All.

•  As to the Principle & State of Oneness, at this level of spiritual evolution your conceptual understanding of the various aspects of The Principle of Oneness is gradually becoming experiential. It is important to note that your Spiritual Ascendance as an individual towards the attainment of The Highest possible State & Level of Intelligence – The State of Oneness is a personal experience. It has the ability to enhance your existence in the most optimal manner, independent of how many other people are ascending.

This level of Spiritual Intelligence represents the final stage of Intelligent & Conscious Existence where you will deepen and consolidate your understanding of The Universal Intelligence Code – The Universal Values, The Principles and various Insights. As you continue to perfect the complete range of your qualities, virtues, abilities and skills, you will engage with intense preparation for the shift from Intelligent & Conscious Existence to the realm of Enlightened Existence. 

•  At this level of attainment you are able to maintain a Positively Neutral State – (a state of Alignment & Composure) for prolonged periods of time. Whenever the state is compromised you are able to consciously regain it within seconds – (one breath recentering – The UI-Practice), ensuring a very high level of function & performance. Your increasing Mastery of State, Attitude and Modes, allows you to be highly effective when engaging with the complete range of experiences and challenges. You are able to accurately approach them with the right mode, and rapidly shift from one mode to another as appropriate.

•  In relation to Intelligent Interaction, at this level your awareness of the nature of Beings & Behavior becomes significantly more expanded and clear. This ensures a higher level of Interactive Effectiveness and a greater ability to create deep, meaningful and harmonious relationships. You continue to deepen your inner Strength & Kindness, and are able to ensure that they are balancing each other as appropriate. As you engage with the perfection of your Interactive Sophistication, you are now sufficiently free from Instinctive Desire and are therefore able to ensure that this powerful ability is used in an ethical manner.

•  As you engage with The UI-Practice with complete commitment, you crystallize your experiential understanding of The Highest Spiritual Purpose. Your self-awareness and ability to self observe are being enhanced to a significant extent, as you continue to engage with the life-long process and practice of Self Correction, Enhancement and Perfection. You experience a deeper level of Spiritual Fulfillment, Contentment and Happiness as your existence becomes increasingly meaningful. Your ability to positively influence others is now reaching a level, where you are able to facilitate the true Spiritual Transformation of others – (if so inclined).

•  In relation to Intelligent Freedom & Intelligent Restriction – (self and others), your deeper understanding and experience of complete intelligent Freedom – (Physical, Psychological and Spiritual), is accompanied by your firm commitment to the advancement of complete freedom for yourself, your loved ones and all humane and constructive beings. As you attain a sufficient level of Psychological Freedom you continually free yourself from conditioning, indoctrination and blind beliefs, demonstrating an equivalent capacity for Free Thinking and Free Choice. At this stage your new level of Spiritual Freedom includes, freedom from attachment from any and all philosophies, practices, definitions and descriptions, including The UI-Code and its related aspects. Such a state and level of Spiritual Freedom is an essential prerequisite for the coming ascendence to the realm of Enlightened Existence.

•  As to Perception, Objectivity and The Perfection of Wisdom – (Intelligent Agreement & Intelligent Disagreement), at this stage of intense preparation your increasing level of Objectivity & Spiritual Clarity is sufficiently high. It allows you to perceive the true nature of systems, beings and behaviors as well as differentiate between right & wrong with a relatively high level of accuracy. You experience increasing Intelligent Agreement with those who, like you, are committed to The Practice of Critical Objective Evaluation, while guiding others to the development of Objective Perception. While you are getting closer to the State of Spiritual Independence, the guidance of a more advanced being is highly recommended, especially in relation to matters which are more subtle and challenges which are more complex.

•  In relation to The Principle of Universality, Unity & Uniqueness, as an advanced Intelligent & Conscious Being, you now have a profound understanding of the balance of Unity & Uniqueness. Your conscious choice to define yourself as a Universal Being, combined with your firm commitment to The Intelligent Unification of Humanity, ensures that your existence becomes increasingly deep & meaningful.

•  As to The Principle and State of Oneness, at this level you are deepening your understanding and experience of The Oneness Of The Universal Intelligence – (The UI), as well as the relationship between the Self, Others and The Intelligence. Your intense practice includes such contemplations as: 
» “I Am, We Are, It Is” – “It Is, We Are, I Am”
“Immersion – Mergence – Unity – Oneness” 
“The Individual Consciousness and The Universal Consciousness are One”. 

At this stage, you may begin to experience glimpses of the realization of Oneness. 

This level of Spiritual Intelligence represents the 1st and initial stage of Enlightened Existence (Intelleal-Transcendence Existence / Higher Spiritual Attainment). Where you attain a high level of mind mastery and become a living example of the highest human qualities. 

•  At this level of attainment, you will experience the initial realization of a Unified Consciousness, which manifests as an Advanced and Unified Functioning State. At this stage, you are able to maintain a continual state of composure, accompanied by a continual alignment with The Universal Intelligence. This initial level of mastery of your Functioning Consciousness allows you to experience continual inner harmony & peace, which includes optimal function & performance as appropriate. 

•  In relation to Intelligent Interaction, you demonstrate the continual ability to transcend manifested existence, while realizing the balance of Strength & Kindness, manifesting as Ethical Sophistication. Simultaneously you engage in an effective and harmonious manner with the complete range of Phenomena including all Systems & all Beings – (from the most humane & constructive to the most inhumane & destructive).


•  As to The Purpose & Practice, at this level your deep experiential understanding of The Highest Spiritual Purpose is turning into a true realization. Your engagement with The Highest Spiritual Practice is all inclusive – (360²) and continual – (24×7). You continue to engage with the lifelong process & practice of Self Correction, Enhancement & Perfection, while consolidating your ability to facilitate the complete Spiritual Transformation of others.

•  In relation to Intelligent Freedom & Intelligent Restriction – (self and others), your initial realization of The State of inner Freedom becomes a permanent and ever-deepening experience. Your realization of inner Spiritual Freedom is accompanied by a deep commitment to the Liberation & Freedom of all humane & constructive beings – (they’re Spiritual, Psychological and Physical Freedom).

•  As to Perception, Objectivity and The Perfection of Wisdom, your conscious ascendence to the realm of Enlightened Existence means that you begin to experience yourself as a Unified Consciousness. You are able to observe the Unified Sphere & Field of Perception with Objectivity and Spiritual Clarity which allows you to perceive the true nature of systems, beings and behaviors, and truly differentiate between right & wrong.

•  In relation to The Principle of Universality, Unity & Uniqueness, as an Intelleal being – (Enlightened Being) you realize the Universal & Unified nature of your Consciousness and experience yourself to be a Universal Being. Your Unique, Unifying presence is combined with an encouragement of others to support The Unity while discovering, preserving and developing their own Unique expression.

•  As to The Principle and State of Oneness, at this stage your deep experiential understanding of Oneness is becoming a true realization. This realization of The Oneness of The Universal Intelligence – (The UI) includes the mergence of The Individual Consciousness and The Universal Consciousness – (The IC and UC are One). Using the Ocean & Wave metaphor the experience can be described as – “The Wave & The Ocean are One”.

This level of Spiritual Intelligence represents the 2nd and mid-stage of The Highest Spiritual Attainment (Enlightened Existence / Intelleal-Transcendence Existence). 

•  At this level of attainment the being maintains a very advanced and Unified Functioning State, characterized by a high level of alignment with The Universal Intelligence. Such alignment allows for the continual experience of deep inner harmony, which includes optimal function & performance as appropriate.

•  In relation to Intelligent Interaction – at this level the being demonstrates a very high ability to transcend manifested existence, practicing simultaneous engagement with phenomena & environments as well as systems & beings in an effective and harmonious manner.

•  As to the Purpose & Practice, at this level the being demonstrates a deep realization of The Highest Spiritual Purpose, while being continually and optimally engaged with The Highest Spiritual Practice.

•  In relation to Intelligent Freedom & Intelligent Restriction, the being exists with an advanced realization of Spiritual and Psychological Freedom, and the complete commitment to The Intelligent Freedom of all humane & constructive beings.

•  As to Perception and the perfection of Objectivity and Wisdom, The Unified Consciousness experienced at this level allows for a very expanded, clear and Unified Perception, and an advanced ability to objectivily differentiate between right & wrong – (Deep Spiritual Clarity).

•  In relation to The Principle of Universality, Unity & Uniqueness, the being exists as a Universal Being experiencing a perfect balance of The Unity of All and The Uniqueness of The Self.

•  As to The Principle and State of Oneness, at this level of attainment the being exists with an advanced realization of The Oneness of The Universal Intelligence – (The UI). The experience at this level includes the deep realization of the Oneness of The Universal Consciousness and The Individual Consciousness – (The UC and IC are One). Using the Ocean and Wave metaphor, the experience can be described as “The Ocean & The Wave are One”. 

This level of Spiritual Intelligence represents the 3rd and Highest level of Enlightened Existence / Intelleal-Transcendence Existence. It is the Highest possible state of consciousness attainable by a human.

•  From the perspective of a functioning state, at this level of attainment the being maintains the highest level of alignment, function and performance.

•  In relation to The Intelligent Interaction – At this level, the being demonstrates a complete and total transcendence of manifested existence, combined with the choice to simultaneously engage with the various levels and aspects of existence.

•  As to the Purpose & Practice, at this level the being exists as the embodiment of The Highest Spiritual Purpose, and as a living example of The Highest Spiritual Practice.

•  In relation to The Universal Value & principle of Intelligent Freedom, the being exists in complete and total Spiritual and Psychological Freedom – while circumstances may affect the beings level of physical freedom.

•  As to Perception, Objectivity and Wisdom – at this level the being is endowed with the most expanded, clear, and unified perception. Existing with Complete Objectivity – the being exemplifies The Highest Spiritual Clarity and the complete ability to differentiate between right & wrong, as the embodiment of Perfect Wisdom.

•  In relation to The Principle of Universality, Unity & Uniqueness, the being exists as a Universal Being, willing to engage with The Highest Spiritual function. Uniquely exemplifying and presenting to humanity the current and updated Unified Code of Being & Behavior (Code of Life), essential for ensuring the prevalence of Light. 
» Using the Light metaphor, Being the Purest and most intense Light – (being a Light to the world) – (Light, Life, Liberty).

•  As to The Principle and State of Oneness, the being exists with the complete and total realization of The Oneness of The Universal Intelligence – (The UI). At this level The Individual Consciousness – (IC) is completely merged with The Universal Consciousness – (UC), and is serving as a platform for the expression of Perfect Wisdom. 
» Using the Ocean and Wave metaphor, the experience can be described as: “Only the Eternal Ocean of Intelligence Is – It Is”.

•  This level represents The One, Universal and Eternal Intelligence in its Pure Non-Manifested State – (beyond human existence).

•  This level is beyond language, definitions and descriptions. With it, it can be spiritually described as The One Intelligence, Divine Intelligence, Supreme Intelligence, The Intelligence of Life etc.

•  In some of the religious traditions it is related to as ‘God’.

•  It can be said that, at this level all The Universal Values & Principles are merged into one.

•  The Universal Intelligence – (The UI) is endowed with all possible Abilities & Powers.