“The UI-Code is The New Approach, that is urgently needed in order to ensure the continuation of our very existence, our freedom and our ongoing development.”

- When evaluating the current state of humanity, we can observe that the current state and trend are generally negative. Divisions & Disagreements are intensifying and are manifesting as increasing Conflicts & Chaos.
- It is the responsibility of any Humane & Constructive being to support the needed change in trend from negative to positive.
- From the perspective of the universal value & principle of freedom, while our aspiration is for freedom to continually increase, it can be observed that the current negative trend includes a continual decrease of our freedom.
- It is important to differentiate between the approaches which are attempting to create a positive change, and those which are directly contributing to the intensification of the divisions, disagreements, conflicts and chaos.
- This is an urgent call to all humane & constructive beings who are sufficiently awakened, to adopt The New Approach as presented in The Universal Intelligence Code. Once adopted by a sufficient number of people, we will be able to achieve the positive change of trend, regain our lost freedoms, and advance towards new ones. We will be able to shift from disagreements & divisions to intelligent agreements & unity, and from conflicts & chaos to intelligent cooperation & harmony.