Qualities & Virtues – Qualities & Flaws – The continual enhancement of one’s qualities and the continual correction of one’s flaws – (primarily related to the 2nd principle- as well as the 3rd & 6th principles)
Increasing awareness of the Qualities & Flaws of oneself and of those one interacts with.
Questioning – Intelligent & Conscious Questioning – the important & recommended practice of Intelligent Questioning and Intelligent Re-Questioning – (IQ&IRQ) – (primarily related to the 5th principle – as well as the 2nd, 3rd & 4th principles)
The primary questions: What, Why, How.
The secondary questions: Where, When – (Space & Time), as well as Who.
Some recommended important questions include: What is The Nature of existence – What is the nature of the self – What is our highest and fullest potential as individuals and as people, and How is it to be realized.