Joy – Intelligent Joy – The perfection of Intelligent Joy – (primarily related to the 2nd & 3rd principles)
Expression Joy – as and when appropriate.
Judgement – (Judgement & Criticism) – of Self or Others – Justified or Unjustified – Sound or Unsound – (primarily related to the 2nd principle- as well as the 3rd & 5th principles)
Judgement is related to Awareness of Right & Wrong and is often a part of Interaction.
Judgement & Criticism occur as a mind experience and can be expressed – verbally and non-verbally.
Judgement can be Appropriate, Insufficient or Excessive.
Excessive Judgment is Interruptive to harmony and should be corrected whenever possible – (neutralized).
Judicial System – Should become Objective, Wise and Apolitical – (primarily related to the 2nd principle – as well as the 3rd, 5th & 6th principles)
Judicial Systems ranges from the most Instinctive, Biased and Flawed to the most Intelligent, Objective and right.
Judges are to be humans of A Higher UI-Level – (UI-Level 501 and up).
Justice – From Instinctive-Subjective Justice to Universal & Objective Justice – (primarily related to the 2nd principle – as well as the 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th principles)
The Justice – Injustice Spectrum – ranging from The Most Just to the most unjust.
The higher the level of Intelligence – (The higher UI-Level), the greater the ability to objectively and accurately evaluate the nature of occurrences & behaviors.