Gain & Loss – through the Intelligence Spectrum – An increasingly Intelligent Approach to Gain & Loss – Maximizing Intelligent Gain and Minimizing Intelligent Loss – for self and all constructive beings – (primarily related to the 3rd principle)
The experience of Gain & Loss is an aspect of manifested existence, and especially of the Instinctive Realm.
Developing the ability to differentiate between Actual Gain or Loss and that which is Perceived & Experienced as A Gain or as A Loss – (note that at the instinctive realm perception is restricted & distorted).
Understanding the experience of Gain & Loss of Self & Others / Self & All – (Personal & Collective).
Gain & Loss through Time – Short Term – Medium Term – Long Term.
Acceptance of Gain or Loss – (the greater challenge is to accept a loss).
Allowing the possibility that that which is perceived and/or experienced as a loss is not actually a loss and that which is perceived and/or experienced as a gain is not really a gain.
Transcendence of Gain & Loss: At the realm of Pure Intelligence or Pure Being, there is neither gain nor loss.
Genetic Makeup – (Nature of beings) – A Primary Factor in the Nature & Behavior of beings – together with All the Accumulated Experience of the Individual Consciousness, which in turn includes learnt behavior, education, conditioning & indoctrination – (primarily related to the 3rd principle)
Gentleness – (as an aspect of emotional intelligence) – Developing an increasing ability to be as gentle as appropriate – (primarily related to the 2nd & 3rd principles)
Giving – Intelligent Giving – The Perfection of Intelligent Giving – (primarily related to the 2nd & 3rd principles)
Intelligent Giving & Intelligent Receiving.
Aspiring for a balance of Giving & Receiving.
The effect of Giving on the system that gives – (the giver), can range from no effect – (when giving from overflow) to some effect, to detrimental effect.
Giving Back – as an important aspect of Intelligent & Harmonious Interaction – (primarily related to the 2nd & 3rd principles)
Aspiring for Positive Symmetry and the application of the Symmetry Plus guideline.
Glimpses – of higher realm experiences – Glimpses of Pure Being – Glimpses of Oneness – (primarily related to the 3rd & 7th principles)
Such Glimpses tend to occur with increasing frequency as the being ascends through the Intelligence Spectrum.
Goals – Intelligent Goal Setting and Intelligent Goal Attainment – (primarily related to the 2nd & 3rd principles)
Increasing awareness and objective evaluation of all existing goals.
Letting go of goals which are not sufficiently intelligent.
Arranging Intelligent Goals in relation to their level of importance.
Ensuring sufficient Will.
Applying Effective Strategy & Engaging with Effective Execution.
Monitoring degree of achievement.
God – as a traditional term describing The One, Universal and Eternal Intelligence – (primarily related to the 7th principle)
Developing an increasing understanding of the manner in which different religions, doctrines and beings are describing God – the nature and the attributes, of God, as well as the possible relationship of humans with God.
In this context note the importance of Freedom of Descriptions & Definitions.
The certainty of God’s Existence: Intelligently Defining God as The Intelligence of Life or as Life itself means intelligently answering the questions relating to God’s Existence.
The process can now shift to the continual deepening of one’s understanding & experience of the nature of Life and the nature of God.
Goodness – The Perfection of Goodness – (The perfection of Consideration & Kindness) – (primarily related to the 2nd & 3rd principles)
Being Good & Doing Good.
Graduality – Understanding the Gradual nature of some processes – (primarily related to the 2nd & 3rd principle)
Understanding Graduality in the context of The UI-Practice – (Positive Conditioning, Practice & Training).
Gradual & Accumulative.
Note that Graduality relate to both Positive & Negative Processes.
Gratification – (Desire) – Delayed Gratification – as an aspect of Intelligent Self -Management – (primarily related to the 3rd principle)
From Intelligent Management of Desires to Intelligent Transcendence of and Neutralization of Desire.
(In this context it is important to as much as possible avoid the suppression of desires).
Grieving – (Celebration & Grieving) – appropriate & inappropriate – (primarily related to the 2nd principle- as well as the 3rd & 5th principles)
Grieving a loss and celebrating a gain
The intensity of the Grieving may be appropriate, excessive, or insufficient.
Guardians – Peaceful Guardians & Warrior Guardians – (primarily related to the 6th principle)
The increasing respect of each group to the other.
The increasing cooperation between the two groups.
Guardianship & Ownership – The shift from ownership to guardianship – (primarily related to the 2nd & 3rd principles)
The definition of ‘A Temporary Use’ – (Guardianship) is more accurate than the definition of Ownership – (My or Mine).
Guidance – Advanced Spiritual Guidance – (Right Guidance) – can only be provided freely and by a being who has truly attained a high UI-Level – (related to all the 7 principles)
It is important to differentiate between Authentic Spiritual Guidance and Pseudo Spiritual Guidance which is commonly provided for purposes of personal gain.
Guidelines – Behavioral Guidelines – from the most basic to the most advanced – (related to all the 7 principles)
Learn, understand and apply the Behavioral Guidelines of The UI-Code.
Learn and understand the Behavioral Guidelines of The Multitude Doctrines & Philosophies – (including the Laws, Rules, Regulations, Rituals, Norms and Recommendations).
Behavioral Guidelines range from the most correct, updated, effective and advanced to the most incorrect, outdated, ineffective and flawed.
Learn to differentiate between advanced and right behavioral guidelines and flawed or wrong behavioral guidelines.
Gullibility – Gullibility & Naivety – as human flaws – The perfection of Intelligent Sophistication and Savviness – (primarily related to the 2nd & 3rd principles)
Instinctive Gullibility allow conditioning & indoctrination of the gullible, and the instillment of Blind Beliefs – (Religious and/or Secular).
Guiding others to free themselves from gullibility and blind belief.